بريانكا تشوبرا تواصل دعمها للاجئين السوريين في مخيمات الأردن (فيديو وصور)

الفجر الفني

بريانكا تشوبرا
بريانكا تشوبرا

تواصل النجمة الهندية بريانكا تشوبرا  دعمها للاجئين السوريين في مخيمات الأردن، حيث نشرت عدة صور من زياراتها لهم، مع قصص للأطفال والعائلات.


بريانكا تزور المخيمات بإعتبارها سفيرة لدى اليونسيف، حيث تحاول التخفيف من معاناة الأطفال من خلال الحديث عن مشاكلهم واللعب معهم ومداعبتهم، كما دعت الجميع للتبرع من أجلهم من خلال موقع اليونسيف.


وقالت بريانكا "لنخوض هذه الرحلة معًا، لنفتح أعيننا وقلوبنا للأطفال السوريين اللاجئين، هذه ستكون مهمتنا، لنظهر أن العالم يهتم ويساعدهم".

Today was very emotional. As we go about our daily privileged lives, it's hard to imagine that everything can be taken from you in an moment. Today we spent the day in a host community meeting Syrian refugee families (like this one) so desperately seeking a safe place of normalcy for their families. More than 80% of the Syrian refugees in Jordan live outside refugee camps in cities, urban centers and farming villages (host communities.) Amman hosts the largest number of Syrian refugees, about 180,000 people. Refugee families in host communities have limited livelihood opportunities, and after 6 years, have depleted their savings and borrowed money from everywhere to feed and support their families. @unicef #ChildrenUprooted #TheyAreUs

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Excuse the bad cartwheel and lame attempt at a Rugby toss... This is a Makani 'Drop In' Center for underage boys who work,they are referred to as "Child Laborers." Most of the boys are between 10 and 18 years old, work 6-12 hours per day, and literally drop in after work to play and receive an informal education, as well as learn life skills. Many of the boys you see in these pictures have only just started to learn how to read and write, since the priority for most of these boys is to provide sustenance for their families. The teachers here work 3 shifts each day to accommodate the influx of kids to give them a chance to work and study. We must do our bit. This is what WAR looks like. Consequence of Conflict. To donate please go to UNICEF.org or click the link in my bio. @unicef #TheyAreUs #ChildrenUprooted

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